Daily mobility and urban studies seminarThis seminar aims to reveal what urban studies can bring to the understanding of daily mobility, and vice versa. Daily mobilities will be approached by their actors - arrangements, laws, procedures, networks, information, categories of practices and public policies, etc. - and by their actors - users or users, political actors, public and state services, public transport unions, mobility services companies, research and engineering firms, associations, etc. Urban studies are included here in a double objectal and critical dimension.This proposal is doubly innovative. On the one hand, with the notable exception of work on peri-urbanization and metropolization, urban studies have seldom taken up the question of daily mobility, even if the subject has recently emerged around the question of spatial justice. On the other hand, research on passenger transport, after having taken a close interest in the social consequences of mobility policies in the 1970s and 1980s, gradually eluded them, preferring in particular themes such as that of sustainability or accessibility. While the social question is gaining momentum in the news of the transport field, in particular when it is interpolated with environmental issues (movement of yellow vests for example) or health (covid 19 crisis), this seminar will aim to raise avenues for the interweaving of these two fields of study which are now highly distinct.The sessions of the seminar will give pride of place to theoretical proposals and to the presentation of how these proposals fit together with fieldwork. Each session will be organized around a unique intervention during which one or more researchers will present their work and the way in which it renews epistemological reflection on daily mobility. The consecutive exchanges will make it possible to bring out the various existing intersections or to be developed between urban studies and research on passenger transport.Calendar October 2021-January 2022October 14, 2021 - 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Emma Peltier - Going into town from the slum. Study the daily mobility of "Roma" women to understand the accessibility of the cityhttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/98096153525?pwd=MnNNeTNHU2I2VGRkL054aEpLVHZoZz09 (Meeting ID: 980 9615 3525; Access code: EVS5600)November 12, 2021 - 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Yoann Demoli - Mobilities put to the test of the environment. Social stratification of mobility and their environmental effectshttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/93122349927?pwd=K3l3NG1jbC9aNkR0VUpuRDBYUlBuQT09 (Meeting ID: 931 2234 9927; Access code: EVS5600)December 7, 2021 - 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Gwenaelle Raton - Delivering in short circuits: the mobilities of farmers as revealing of emerging food territories. Case studies in Francehttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/95724616689?pwd=S3NqL2Y1RDNiUzN0WXZXdENxeWlYUT09 (Meeting ID: 957 2461 6689; Access code: EVS5600)January 20, 2022 - 10 am-12pm - Thomas Buhler - Scrutinize, dissect and compare urban plans by the dozen. Concealment and vagueness in discourse on mobilityhttps://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97824356828?pwd=QnZXcElnbmpLUzlMaU9zaTNSek1xZz09 (Meeting ID: 978 2435 6828; Access Code: EVS5600)Useful informationThe sessions will be organized using the Zoom software, participation is free by following the links above.Sessions are likely to be recorded.The announcement of the dates as well as the reports and videos of the seminars will be available on the new Critical Mobilities research notebook: https://mc.hypotheses.orgFor any information, contact Matthieu Adam: matthieu.adam@ens-lyon.fr